Though virtual, our team is able to connect with you, spirit-to-spirit, and to encourage you with revelation from the Creator.
Upon entering SpiritSpace, you may find meditation sessions and creative discussions taking place in the main Zoom room, while the following individual or small group spiritual encounters are taking place in breakout Zoom rooms.
You will be invited by the hosts to soak in the presence of the Spirit and enjoy the atmosphere in the main room until a breakout room and team become available for an individual or small group spiritual encounter, if you desire one of these specific sessions.
Have a look at our offerings below or connect with us on Facebook to view our events there.
Open first Sunday of each month
12-2 PM (Pacific Time)
3-5 PM (Eastern Time)
8-10 PM (UK Time)
Individual Spiritual Encounters (Every Month)

In Hebrew, rūăḥ (“ruach”) means breath, wind, spirit, spirit of the living being, and (specifically) spirit of the Creator. We can help you explore the Creator’s heart for your life and the character of the Source of Light and Love. Ruach cards reveal truths about yourself and your greatest dreams - the desires of your heart.
Inner healing comes in many ways through the Creator - blessings over your life, cutting ties which torment your soul, guidance for your life, discovery of the true desires of your heart, liberation, and more. Let the Healer and Source of Love heal you at a deep level.
We all have dreams, even if we don't remember them, and often they sound so weird when you recount them. Usually they reflect your emotions - how you're feeling about things past or present - using symbols to express what your mind is processing while you're asleep.
We can interpret all your dreams and even your nightmares, providing insight into your own dream language and patterns, and how they speak into your spiritual journey.
Born into a material world, we are naturally curious about what lies beyond, exploring unseen realms to help us make sense of who we are and why we're here. Many of us continue to search, seeking to more fully connect our spirit with our mind and body while enjoying the journey. Yet deeper questions can arise to do with living out our destiny, causing us to question our present path and prompting a need to look for guidance.
Take time with us to seek spiritual wisdom for a renewed sense of your direction for the present and the future.

Looking for words of insight, encouragement, and destiny? It’s amazing how the Divine Creator and Spirit speak to us about our lives using the most ordinary things. Let us help discover those through everyday objects. We have some we use and you may find something right where you are that you are drawn to. We have words and images on cards that could spark to life, hope, healing, purpose, esteem, and destiny for you. Let’s see what there is for you on your life journey.
Small Group Spiritual Encounters (Every 2-3 Months)

Everyone of us is born with a desire to create, using vision and imagination to tap in to our artistic potential. Self-expression through art in any form is driven by a desire to make statements about who we are and record what moves us emotionally and spiritually.
We invite you to participate in a facilitated art activity that inspires your creativity, giving visual voice to what’s going on in your heart. Making marks using colour is liberating, and through exploring your emotions in this way, you can discover a way to find healing, restoration and fulfilment. You’ll just need to collect a short list of art materials to fully participate, including paper/card/canvas (letter/A4), acrylic paints, range of brushes, mixing palette, sponge, cloth/kitchen roll, pencil, and water.

Body Blessing & Positive Postures increase your understanding of identity, self-worth and personhood in the moment. Through moving your body and engaging your emotions you can experience spiritual uplift, healing and a deeper connection. Welcome to a place and a space that lets you be who you are, as you are.
Body Blessing focuses on different areas of the body which all have positive words of blessing spoken over them. Positive Postures invites you to assume symbolic postures following verbal prompts. The act of physical movement involving your imagination is liberating and empowering.

The soul is layered, so restoration is a transformation process. During these sessions, emotional blocks and energetic congestion are removed and personal power is restored by releasing the origins of the trigger responses. Once the energetic toxins of limiting beliefs are removed, you will be able to create new neural pathways that will energetically transmit the divine messages of your original Divine design and blueprint.
Open first Sunday of each month
12-2 PM (Pacific Time)
3-5 PM (Eastern Time)
8-10 PM (UK Time)

SpiritSpace Website and Event Disclaimer
The SpiritSpace website and virtual events do not contain medical, legal, or health advice. Any information is provided for general and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information, SpiritSpace encourages participants to consult with the appropriate professionals. The use or reliance of any information contained on this site or at any virtual event is solely at the participant’s own risk.
All offerings during SpiritSpace events are without cost, and there is no obligation for a participant to undertake another session. There is also no obligation to engage with a SpiritSpace team member outside the SpiritSpace events. All services outside SpiritSpace are not under the auspices of SpiritSpace.
All participants in SpiritSpace will be offered the opportunity to fill out the Contact Form, which can be used for feedback, questions, or requests. Although participants are not obligated to use the Contact Form.
Participants under 18 years or anyone who may be vulnerable will be requested to have a parent / guardian / responsible adult sitting with them while in any Breakout Room encounter event.